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Privacy Policy

Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa Privacy Policy

This "Privacy Policy" governs the use and protection of the information we collect about you and the services you request during your visit to this website and through the use of this Site. By visiting this website and requesting to use the services provided through this Site, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy.


As Sunrise Yat. ve Tur. İşl. A.Ş. ("Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa"), we have always kept our customers' or potential customers' data and information confidential and have never shared them with any third parties due to the sensitivity of our business. Protecting personal data is our fundamental policy. Even before any legal regulations, our company and its subsidiaries have attached great importance to the confidentiality of personal data, adopted a working principle in line with this policy, and provided their employees with instructions to work in accordance with this principle. As "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa," we commit to complying with all the responsibilities of the Privacy Law. Our companies' personal data protection policy also covers our subsidiaries.


This Policy prepared by our company has been arranged in accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("KVKK"). The Law has entered into force with all its provisions as of today. In accordance with the Law, the data collected with your consent or as required by other regulations will be used to improve our services, develop our services and quality policy. Some of the data we obtain are anonymized by excluding them from the scope of personal data. These data are used for statistical purposes and are not subject to the implementation of the Law and our Policy. The "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa Personal Data Protection and Implementation Policy" aims to regulate the protection of data and other personal data obtained automatically from our customers, potential customers, our employees, and the customers and employees of the companies we cooperate with for solutions in collaboration. Our company reserves the right to change our Policy and Regulation in order to comply with the Law and better protect personal data.


a) Compliance with the law and good faith: "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" questions the source of the data collected or sent by other companies and attaches importance to their legal and good faith handling. In this context, "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" warns and informs third parties (agents and other intermediary companies) who sell the services provided by "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" about the protection of personal data. b) Accuracy and being up-to-date when necessary: "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" attaches importance to the accuracy of all data held within the organization, ensuring that they do not contain incorrect information, and updating personal data only if changes are notified. c) Processing for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes: "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" processes the data only for the purposes for which individuals' consent is obtained during the provision of services and the purposes limited to the services provided. The data cannot be processed, used, or utilized for purposes other than the processing purpose. d) Being relevant, limited, and proportionate to the purpose for processing: "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" uses the data only to the extent required for processing and in accordance with the requirements of the service. e) Retention for the period required by the applicable legislation or the purpose of data collection: "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" retains the data related to the contract for the periods required by trade and tax laws, including dispute periods, as well as the periods required by law. However, if the reasons requiring processing are eliminated, the data will be deleted or anonymized. It is important to note that the provisions mentioned above will be applied in any case, regardless of whether "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" collects or processes the data voluntarily or in accordance with the law. According to Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, you will have the following rights. To facilitate your relevant rights, "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" will prepare a separate application. Individuals whose personal data are processed can apply to our authorized person announced on our website by "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" to: a) Learn whether personal data is processed, b) Request information if personal data is processed, c) Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose, ç) Learn the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad, d) Request the correction of personal data in case of incomplete or inaccurate processing, e) Request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated below, Article 7, f) Request the notification of the transactions made pursuant to subparagraphs (d) and (e) to third parties to whom personal data are transferred, g) Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing the processed data through automated systems, ğ) Demand the compensation of damages in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data. As "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa," we respect these rights.

Maximum Saving Policy/Scrimping Policy

As part of our policy called the maximum saving policy or scrimping policy, the data collected by "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" is entered into the system when necessary. Thus, the data to be collected will be determined based on the purpose. Unnecessary data will not be collected. Other data submitted to our company will also be transferred to the company's information system in the same way. Excess information is not stored in the system; it is deleted or anonymized. These data can be used for statistical purposes. Health data, which are sensitive data, are kept in the system only to provide better service to customers and protect their health.

Deletion of Personal Data

When the storage period required by the Law expires, when judicial proceedings are completed, or when other requirements cease, this data will be automatically deleted, removed, or anonymized by the company or upon the request of the relevant person.

Accuracy and Currency of Data

Data within "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" is processed as declared by the relevant individuals as a general rule. "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" is not obliged to verify the accuracy of the information declared by customers or individuals associated with "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" and this is contrary to the laws and our working principles. The declared data is assumed to be correct and accurate. The principle of accuracy and currency of personal data is also adopted by "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa." Personal data processed is updated upon the request of the relevant person or through the official documents submitted to our company. The necessary precautions are taken for this purpose.

Privacy and Data Security

Personal data is confidential, and "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" adheres to the privacy rule. Personal data can only be accessed by authorized individuals. All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" to prevent harm to our customers and potential customers. Within this framework, software compliance with standards, careful selection of third parties, and compliance with the company's data protection policy will be ensured.


The collection and processing of personal data by "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" will be carried out in accordance with the purposes specified in the disclosure text. The data is collected and processed to prepare contracts and provide better services to customers.

Collection and Processing of Data for Contractual Relationship

If there is a contractual relationship with our customers and potential customers, the collected personal data can be used without the customers' consent. However, this usage will be in line with the purpose of the contract. The data will be used for the better performance of the contract and as required by the services, and if necessary, they will be updated by contacting the customers. However, the data provided by our potential customers will be processed later for easier and higher-quality service. These data will be deleted upon request in the absence of any contractual relationship.

Data of Business and Solution Partners

"Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" adopts the principle of acting in accordance with the law in data exchange with both business and solution partners. Data is shared with business and solution partners in line with the understanding of data confidentiality and ensuring that these parties take necessary data security measures as required by the services.

Data Processing for Advertising Purposes

Electronic communications for advertising purposes can only be sent to individuals who have given prior consent in accordance with the Law on the Regulation of E-Commerce and the Law on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages. The explicit consent of the individual is required for sending advertisements. "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" complies with the details of "consent" specified in the same legislation. The consent to be obtained should cover all commercial electronic messages sent to the recipients' electronic communication addresses to promote and market the company's goods and services, introduce the business, or increase the company's recognition. This consent can be obtained in writing through any electronic communication channel or in physical form. The important point is to obtain a declaration from the recipient stating that they agree to receive commercial electronic messages, including the full name and electronic communication address.

Data Processing Based on Legal Obligations of the Company or Explicitly Envisaged in the Law

Personal data can be processed without obtaining prior consent in order to fulfill a legal obligation explicitly envisaged in the relevant legislation or to fulfill a legal obligation specified in the legislation. The type and scope of data processing for the data processing activity permitted by the laws are necessary and must comply with the relevant legal provisions.

Data Processing by the Company

Personal data can be processed by the company in accordance with the services it provides and legal purposes. However, under no circumstances will the data be used for illegal purposes.

Processing of Sensitive Personal Data

According to the law, race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual preference, criminal record, and security measures-related data, as well as biometric and genetic data, are considered sensitive personal data. "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" takes sufficient measures determined by the Board for the processing of sensitive personal data. "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" may process sensitive personal data only for the relevant purposes in order to provide better services.

Processing of Data by Automated Systems

"Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" complies with the Law regarding the processing of data by automated systems. Information obtained from these data cannot be used against the person without their explicit consent. However, "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" can make decisions regarding the individuals with whom it will carry out the transaction by utilizing the data in the system.

User Information and the Internet

When personal data is collected, processed, and used on websites and other systems or applications owned by Sunrise Yat. ve Tur. İşl. A.Ş., relevant individuals will be informed about the privacy notice and, if necessary, about cookies. Users will be informed about our websites and applications. Personal data will be processed in accordance with the law. When you visit our website, we kindly request you to provide us with the information stated below regarding the cookies we use/will use on our pages.

Google (analytics, doubleclick) | Measurement Advertising In-site optimization | Functional and analytical cookies Commercial cookies

Facebook | Advertising | Commercial cookies

Insider | Measurement Advertising In-site optimization | Functional and analytical cookies Commercial cookies

Hotjar | Measurement In-site optimization | Functional and analytical cookies Commercial cookies

3rd party companies (criteo, rtbhouse) | Advertising | Functional and analytical cookies Commercial cookies

Websites/mobile applications/mobile websites owned by Sunrise Yat. ve Tur. İşl. A.Ş. work with trusted and well-known advertising providers. Third-party service providers place their own cookies to serve personalized ads. Cookies placed by third parties collect, process, and analyze visitors' website navigation information based on their usage and patterns.

Commercial Cookies

Commercial cookies serve to improve your user experience by offering a portfolio of similar products/content and personalized advertisements based on your interests and preferences. The background waiting time for session, persistent, functional, analytical, and commercial cookies is approximately 2 (two) months and can be adjusted through browser settings. The removal process, one of the settings, can be modified through the browser.

How to Clear Cookies?

Many browsers are automatically set to accept and use cookies from the initial installation of your computer. You can block cookies or receive warnings about cookies using the help or settings menus of your browser. You can find out more about various methods of managing cookies or adjust your browser settings through the instruction or help option screens of your browser.

Purpose of Collecting and Processing Security Data from Properties

Security images captured by Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa, acting as the data controller within the scope of Law No. 6698 . The security images are collected to ensure both your and our company's security and to provide you with services safely. Your personal data is not used or processed for purposes other than the legitimate interests specified in Article 5/2(f) of the Personal Data Protection Law. The collected personal data cannot be shared with third parties in accordance with the rules. However, it can be shared with the authorized public institutions and organizations empowered by law to fulfill the obligations specified in Article 5/2(c) of the Law. Your data will be destroyed when the purpose of data collection is no longer valid.

Processing of Data for Employment Relationships

Employees' personal data can be processed without their consent to the extent required by health insurance and employment relationships. However, "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" undertakes to protect and keep the data of its employees confidential.

Processing in accordance with Legal Obligations

"Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" may also process employees' personal data to fulfill a legal obligation prescribed in the legislation or explicitly stated in the legislation. This is limited to obligations arising from the Law.

Processing of Sensitive Personal Data

According to the law, race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual preference, criminal record, and security measures-related data, as well as biometric and genetic data, are considered sensitive personal data. "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" takes sufficient measures determined by the Board for the processing of sensitive personal data in addition to the consent of the relevant individual. Sensitive personal data relating to the aforementioned cases can be processed without the consent of the individual, only within the scope of the cases permitted by the law. Quality data obtained from employees will only be used to ensure their access to insurance and healthcare services. If your reservation process was not completed due to errors or malfunctions in the system, our call center representative will contact you.

Processing by Automated Systems

The data processed concerning employees by automated systems can be used for in-house promotions and performance evaluations. Employees reserve the right to object to results that may be unfavorable to them and must carry out this process in accordance with the company's internal procedures. Employee objections are re-evaluated within the company.

Telecommunications and the Internet

The computers, phones, emails, and other applications allocated to employees within the company will be used only for business purposes. The employee cannot use these tools for personal purposes or communication. The company can control and monitor the data on these devices. As of the start date of employment, the employee undertakes not to store any data or information for purposes other than business purposes on the computer, phone, or other devices allocated to them by the company.


Personal data can be shared by "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" with business partners and subsidiaries of the company for the purpose of providing services.

"Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" shall have the right to transfer personal data to the following persons and institutions, subject to specific purposes;

» Business partners of "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" limited to the fulfillment of the company's business partnership objectives,

» Suppliers of "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" who are outsourced by the supplier to provide necessary services for the fulfillment of their commercial activities,

» Solution partners of "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" limited to the execution of commercial activities requiring the participation of company subsidiaries,

» Subsidiaries of "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa".

"Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" is authorized to transfer personal data domestically and abroad in accordance with the conditions determined by the Board and other provisions of the Law, and subject to the consent of the individual.


"Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" acknowledges that the data subject must give consent before their personal data can be processed and reserves the right to determine the fate of the data after processing.

The data subjects, regarding their personal data, can apply to our authorized person announced on our website by:

a) Learning whether their personal data is processed,

b) Requesting information if their personal data has been processed,

c) Learning the purpose of processing their personal data and whether they are used for these purposes,

d) Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,

e) Requesting the correction of personal data if it is incomplete or inaccurate,

f) Requesting the deletion of personal data or g) (d) and (e) above, requesting that the operations carried out in accordance with the mentioned clauses be notified to the third parties to whom the personal data is transferred, g) If personal data is analyzed exclusively through automated systems and a result emerges to the detriment of the data subject, requesting to object to this and requesting compensation if personal data is damaged due to being processed in violation of the law.

However, individuals do not have any rights over anonymized data within the company. "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" can share personal data within the framework of a legal obligation or official authority arising from work and contractual relationships.

Data subjects should fill out the form on the company's official website completely, sign it, and send it to the contact address below along with photocopies of their identification documents. Applications will be delivered to the company as soon as possible after they are received and will be responded within a maximum of 30 days, considering the content of the application. You must apply by registered mail. In addition, please note that only questions about you will be answered, and applications regarding your spouse, relatives, or friends will not be accepted. "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" may only request information and documents from the applicants.


The information of employees and other individuals within Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa is confidential. No one can use, copy, reproduce, or transfer this data for purposes other than business purposes.


"Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" takes all necessary technical and administrative measures to prevent the unauthorized acquisition and retention of personal data taken by the company to protect and ensure that our customers and potential customers do not suffer any harm. In this context, software is made compliant with standards, third parties are carefully selected, and data protection policies are followed within the company.


"Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" conducts internal and external audits regarding the protection of personal data.


In case of notification of a personal data breach, "Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & Spa" will take immediate action to remedy the situation, prevent the continuation of the violation, and notify the Personal Data Protection Board and the relevant data subjects about the violation.

You can also apply according to the procedures specified at the address regarding the notification of violations.

To process your application, please fill out the form on the website announced in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, attach a photocopy of your identification document, and send it to the address specified in the form by registered mail. Rights related to personal data will be used only for the individual's own data. Requests regarding other individuals' personal data will not be taken into account. Forms without identification photocopies will not be considered. Please note that even if data deletion requests are fulfilled, if requested, we may need to share the data with the relevant authorities.

Click here for the application form


You can contact us using the contact information below for any further questions regarding the privacy policy.

Selimiye Mahallesi, Side Caddesi, 656. Sokak No:29, 07330 Manavgat/Antalya

Updated: May 2023